Julie is available for appointments on a wide range of topics. Each client is treated individually and confidentially. The information below is very generalised, and so each appointment will be tailored to suit each client.
Initial Consultations
Your first assessment will most likely include the following:
- Weigh in Assessment – including a Biometric Analysis of Body Composition: Body Weight, Height, BMI, Body Fat %, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Visceral Fat Rating and Water %
- Full Dietary History
- Examination of Previous Medical History
- Supplement and Medicine Usage
- Nutritional Guidelines – based on specific needs
Session lasts Approximately: 60 minutes
Follow Up Consultations
This consultation may involve the handover of a meal plan and following that, any further nutritional counselling and changes to nutritional needs analysed and assessed.
Includes also another full Weigh in Assessment
Approximately: 30 – 40 minutes
Weigh In’s
This is simply a quick weigh in for clients wanting to quickly check their progress. It can also be for anyone without any specific nutritional queries and wanting to know their full Biometric Analysis readings on the scale. Any follow up appointments can be made from this appointment should you require further assistance. See below for information on the Discovery Weight Loss Rewards – this appointment would be ideal for your verified weigh in.
Approximately: 10 – 15 minutes
Vitality Weight Loss Rewards
Previously dietitians registered with Discovery Health were able to assist Vitality Members to achieve Vitality Points through Vitality Nutrition Consultations. At the end of 2016 these consultations are no longer on offer. Instead any person on Discovery with Vitality who visits a dietitian in 2018 will earn 1000 points with no option to earn more or bonus points.
HOWEVER, they have replaced this system with a new Weight Loss Rewards (WLR) Program that is going live from 13th April 2017. Here members need to meet certain criteria before being able to earn points with this program and more information is detailed below. A visit to a Registered Dietitian can still be beneficial to putting you on the right track to achieve the goals as determined by your Vitality Portal however your vitality point earning capacity through these visits no longer exists.
If WLR has been recommended to you and you want to join, you need to follow these steps:
- Download the Discovery app. Make sure you have the latest version.
- Navigate to ‘Vitality’ and activate WLR. During activation, you will be set a ‘recommended healthier weight’, which is the required weight to achieve over the course of your WLR journey. Here you will earn 250 Vitality points the first time you activate WLR.
- Then, you must select a personalised weight-loss goal for their first 12-week cycle. The maximum weight to lose that Vitality will ever set is 11.5kg in a 12-week cycle.
- You will then self-track your weight-loss weekly, and earn 20 Vitality points for doing so.
- Members who reach their first goal will enjoy cash back of up to 50% of their HealthyFood spend for 3 months, and up to 2 500 Vitality points.
- You will then move on to their next cycle, and can complete as many cycles as you need to reach your recommended healthier weight.
Who is eligible for Vitality Weight Loss Rewards?
Vitality will recommend WLR to qualifying members. They can choose to join the programme if it is recommended to them and if they’d like help in losing weight.
To start a WLR journey, they need to meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Their BMI (Body Mass Index) or the combination of their BMI and waist circumference must be above the recommended healthy range, i.e. if their BMI is greater or equal to 30, OR their BMI is between 25 and 29.9 and they also have a waist circumference greater or equal to 94 cm for males, or greater or equal to 80 cm for females.
- They must have gone for a verified weigh-in within the last 30 days. (If they recently went for a verified weigh-in, remember it can take up to 1 week to reflect.)
- They must be between 18 and 79 years old.
- They must have a smartphone and have downloaded the latest version of the Discovery app.
- They must have an active HealthyFood benefit and specify a cash back account. If not, they should activate HealthyFood now.
- If they are eligible to join WLR, they must declare they have no medical reason preventing them from taking part in WLR, and accept the terms and conditions at the start of each cycle.
Once you have completed a cycle – you need a verified weigh in and this can be done with a dietitian (among other partners) where we will submit them on the Discovery Portal. Please get in touch should you need this service.
For more information click here to see more information on the Discovery Website
Conditions most commonly consulted on:
- Weight loss
- Diabetes
- Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels)
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Diverticular Disease
- Any Bowel/Gut surgery or conditions
- Special Diets post-surgery: liquid, puree, high fibre, low sodium, soft, light etc
- Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Infant Nutrition
- Toddlers and Picky Eaters
- Sports Nutrition
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the low FODMAP Diet
Julie is associated with most major medical aids and only charges medical aid or alternatively, very competitive cash rates.
Associated Medical Aids:
Anglo medical Scheme
Genesis Medical Scheme
Key Health
LA Health
Liberty Medical Scheme
Resolution Health (do not pay for Dietitian consults though)
Uvuzo Health