This week it’s World Breastfeeding Week. This years theme is “Sustaining Breastfeeding Together” and the aim is to encourage all individuals and companies who support or employ mom’s to help out. It is especially important to support a Breastfeeding mom when she goes back to work.
If you don’t already know here are some of the benefits of breastfeeding – these are for baby:
✓Complete nutrition for 1st 6 months
✓ Protects the baby against illness/ infection (diarrhea)
✓ Reduces allergies
✓ Reduces risk of otitis media & SIDS (sudden infant death Sx)
✓ Reduces risk of diabetes mellitus
✓ Reduces risk of cancer (HAMLET cells)
✓ EFA are provided (NB brain development and cognition)
✓ Analgesic effect
✓ Health benefits later in life (self-regulation of appetite)
✓ Higher IQ scores
* Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumour cells
And these are maternal benefits:
✓ Reduces bleeding after birth
✓ Reduces risk of breast & ovarian cancers
✓ Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis & osteoporosis
✓ Child spacing (lactation amenorrhea)
✓ Improved glycemic control for diabetics
✓ Weight control
✓ Economical
✓ Saves time
✓ Bonding
✓ Psychological benefits
If you are a new mom (or know of one) there is some good news if and when you are going back to work:
The Code of Good Practice on the Protection of Employees during Pregnancy and after the Birth of a Child (which forms part of the Codes of the BCEA) states.:
“Arrangements should be made for employees who are breastfeeding to have breaks of 30 min twice per day for breastfeeding or expressing milk each working day for the first six months of the child’s life.”
Should you need support – please get in touch with a Registered Dietitian who can put you in touch with someone or can themselves provide you with support.
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