Rethink Your Drink – Choose Water

October 17, 2017
flavoured water

This year’s National Nutrition Week Topic – “Rethink your Drink – Choose Water” was ablaze all over social media last week.  I on the other hand was busy at a conference and hectic while being back at work after some leave so I am late to the game BUT this message is never going to be outdated and something we should remind ourselves of often.

When it comes to hydration we need to stay hydrated using the right fluids.  Water being the obvious winner here.  We can survive without food longer than we can without water.  In summer months, it certainly is easier to choose water as we feel thirsty however drinking sufficient water all year round is essential to correct body functioning.  I often get the complaint that people don’t like the taste of water – something I unfortunately cannot relate to however I have found some refreshing ways to “jazz” up the flavour of your water while still enjoying the benefit.  Here are some fun & tasty combination suggestions:

  1. Orange, lemon and ginger  (slices of orange & lemon with a few ginger slices)
  2. Cucumber, raspberry and grape (cucumber ribbons made using a peeler would make this extra pretty and I would halve the grapes)
  3. Rhubarb, apple and cinnamon (apple slices, rhubarb sticks and cinnamon sticks – yum!)
  4. Strawberries and lime (keep the strawberries whole to keep this pretty and add lime or lemon slices)
  5. Pineapple and mint (slices of pineapple or wedges and fresh mint – refreshing!)
  6. Not forgetting – berries, lemons/limes/oranges or cucumber all on their own.
  7. Herbal teas can also make nice “iced-tea” options.

What is your favourite way to drink water? I personally like room temperature/tap water and I keep my glass or reusable water bottle filled and with me on my desk or in my handbag to keep me hydrated in my office or at gym!


Image credit: Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

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